[Summary page in sourceforge.net] [Blat on-line]


This project is dedicated to my uncle Ferran Anguita de Caralt who got me into computer programming.


Blat(mat) converts from Spanish mathematic six-dots Braille code (.BRA files typically created with a Braille Lite) to an HTML file to be interpreted by ASCIIMathML.

For instance, it takes a .BRA file like

{las ecuaciones de la forma \_ax1#b+bx+c=#j_\ tienen por soluci0n

and translates it into

Las ecuaciones de la forma `ax^2+bx+c=0` tienen por solución

This is interpreted by ASCIIMathML (provided you use a MathML and Javascript/ECMAScript capable browser: Mozilla/Netscape/Camino/Firefox or Internet Explorer + MathPlayer) as

Las ecuaciones de la forma `ax^2+bx+c=0` tienen por solución `x=(-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)`.

The line above should look like this:
Second degree equation's roots

Talp(mat) does the inverse conversion: from ASCII to braille


Blat(mat) is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2.



Technical issues

Blat(mat) is multiplatform

Blat(mat) is a perl script, so it should works perfectly on any platform in which perl is installed. It has been tested on GNU/Linux (Debian Woody, Debian Sarge and SuSE 9.0), Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther), Win98 and WinXP.

If you haver perl installed on your system, just copy everything in a single directory. If not, download and install perl before:


I would like to thank Noemí Sanchis for her questions and comments which contributed to improve this program. I would also like to thank Marisa Botella for her help with the English version of this web.

Specially, I would like to thank José María Villar from ONCE (Spanish Organization for the Blind) for his support, for the Braille texts he provided and for his work testing every single release of blat(mat).

And, last but not least, thanks to Quico Saval without whom this project would never have begun.

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